About Us
Since 1963, the Springfield RV, Camping & Outdoor Show has been produced by the members of Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 (PV8) of NAFCA. Our members volunteer their time to set up and create this Show – a Show for campers, by campers!
What started in just one building has expanded into 3 buildings with over 270,000 sq ft of exhibitor space! The Show runs every February during President’s Day Weekend at the Eastern State Exposition Fairgrounds in West Springfield, Massachusetts. The show takes place in 3 heated buildings – the Better Living Center, the Young Building, and the Mallary Complex. With over 200 exhibitors for you to visit, it is a great way to shake off cabin fever and enjoy a day with family and friends!

In addition to our large variety of exhibitors, we have seminars and family entertainment scheduled throughout the weekend—there’s something for everyone! See our seminars and entertainment. Additional entertainment and activities will be available.
Plan a day of one-stop shopping! Explore new campgrounds, check out the newest RVs and camping equipment, plan an outdoor adventure, shop for a new accessory for your RV—or have fun trying out some of the latest gadgets! Take the time to attend a seminar—and bring the kids to watch one of our amazing entertainers! There’s something for everyone throughout the entire weekend!
Our Club
Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 (PV8) of the North American Family Camper’s Association (NAFCA) is a club of more than 150 families that share a common interest in camping. Our club isn’t just about camping. In addition to several campouts a year, we also host numerous adult, teen, children and family events throughout the year. Monthly meetings are held at our hall in Granby, Massachusetts.
We welcome you to visit our PV8 Chapter Booth in the Young Building for more information about our Club; or click here to learn more.
Vendors and attendees who have questions, comments, or concerns can reach out by mail, phone, and e-mail.
Mail: PO Box 1272, West Springfield, MA 01090
Phone: (413) 781-CAMP (2267)
The Springfield RV, Camping, & Outdoor Show is hosted by Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 of the North American Family Campers Association